RWS Holdings PLC Privacy Notice

To all people providing Personal Data to RWS at an event

In this Privacy Notice we explain why RWS Holdings PLC, or one of its affiliate or subsidiary companies (“RWS”), collect Personal Data at events and what companies in the RWS Group do with the Personal Data. This notice applies to both Personal Data collected at both live events attended and virtual events on line. 

We at RWS are very aware of the importance of correctly and safely processing Personal Data. We process Personal Data in a transparent manner, explaining the nature of our processing which is undertaken in a secure manner. 

RWS exhibits at events to make people aware of our products and services, to meet existing customers and people who will become our customers. It is our intention to maintain long-term relationships with our customers, essential to which is communication with you. We need our customers and new customers contact details in order to communicate. 

This privacy policy will explain how RWS will process your Personal Data after the event and over the course of our relationship. When appropriate we will notify you of any changes in the purposes for which we collect your Personal Data and ask your consent to process your data when required. 

You may wish to alter the frequency and type of marketing communications you receive from RWS or even stop marketing communications altogether. We provide you with an ability to amend the type of marketing communications you receive from us and even stop receiving marketing communications from us all together.

The terms set out in this notice apply when you provide us with Personal Data at an event. As our relationship develops these terms will be superseded by specific privacy policies applying to particular processing activities. If this occurs you will be told and given the opportunity to decline or object. By providing us with your Personal Data at an event you have accepted the terms which appear in this notice and that you agree to RWS Processing your Personal Data.

The Personal Data we collect and will process is your name, job title, email address, phone number, mobile telephone number, business address and the company for which you work.

We may collect your personal data from you when you provide a business card or your details orally, through digital data collection when you enter details on a tablet, or we receive your Personal Data from the event organisers.

RWS uses the Personal Data you provide: 

  • To provide you with the information, products and services that you request from us; 
  • To enable RWS to correspond with you, including asking for feedback on your experience at an event;
  • We may provide your details to a Reseller or OEM Partner who is able to provide you with local or industry specific details about our products and services; 
  • Provide you with information by post, telephone, fax, SMS or by email about other goods and services we offer, include you in marketing campaigns for products or services which we consider relevant to you and invite you to future events.

We may share your Personal Data: 

  • With any member of our group, which means our subsidiaries, our ultimate holding company and its subsidiaries, as defined in section 1159 of the UK Companies Act 2006; 
  • As RWS does not have offices in all countries we have appointed Resellers in some countries who sell our products. If we identify you are located in such a country we will pass your Personal Data to our Reseller or OEM partner to enable them to provide you with details etc. about our Products and services; 
  • Similarly if we identify you are involved in or interested in an industry sector or in a total solution offering where RWS has appointed industry or solution specialist Resellers or OEM partners to sell our products, we will pass your Personal Data to our Reseller or OEM partner who may contact you to provide you with details etc. about our Products and their services;. 
  • With organisations we engage as agents or sub-contractors to perform functions on our behalf such as sending customer communications, analysing data, providing marketing assistance and providing customer service. They will have access to Personal Data needed to perform their functions, but may not use it for other purposes; 
  • With event organisers and/or sponsors to be used by those organisations for the administration of the event and for direct marketing purposes to you; 
  • If RWS is acquired by a third party or if RWS sells any business or assets, in which case we may disclose your Personal Data to the prospective buyer of such business or assets and your Personal Data may be one of the transferred assets; and 
  • If RWS enters into a joint venture with another business entity, in which case we may disclose your Personal Data to the other business entity; 

The Personal Data that we collect from you may be transferred to, and stored at, a destination outside the European Union (“EU”), European Economic Area ("EEA") or United Kingdom (“UK”). It may also be processed by staff operating outside the EU, EEA or UK who work for us or for one of our suppliers. By submitting your information, you agree to this transfer, storing and or processing. 

We will take all steps reasonably necessary to ensure that your Personal Data is processed securely. Further details can be obtained from RWS using the Contact details below. We will not otherwise sell, share or distribute any of the Personal Data you provide to us to unaffiliated third parties without your consent, unless required to do so by law to law enforcement or regulatory agencies or by an order of a Court, or in order to enforce or apply our legal rights, or to detect or prevent fraud or to address security or technical issues.

RWS collects your Personal Data to enable us to establish a business relationship with you which we consider is a legitimate interest, associated with the delivery of our business, to enable us to make you aware of our products and services, communicate with you providing marketing materials and corresponding with you.

We will retain the Personal Data you provide at an event for a limited time after the event to pursue any post event activities unless we enter into a relationship with you in which case the period for which we will retain your Personal Data will be determined by that relationship. 

You are in control of your Personal Data and at you will find details of how you can amend your data, control what we do with your data or delete your data. RWS will respond to all requests but can refuse such requests in certain circumstances which you will be informed of if they apply.

  • RWS ensures that its Privacy Policy is in compliance with all applicable privacy laws and regulations. 
  • RWS Life Sciences Inc. and SDL Inc. comply with the EU-US Privacy Shield and Swiss-US Privacy Shield as set by the U.S Department of Commerce regarding the collection, use, and retention of personal information from European Union member countries and Switzerland. RWS Life Sciences Inc. and SDL Inc. have certified they adhere to the EU-US and Swiss-US Privacy Shield Privacy Principles of notice, choice, onward transfer, security, data integrity, access and enforcement. To learn more about the EU-US and Swiss-US Privacy Shield program and to view their certification, please visit RWS is aware that the Court of Justice of the European Union has ruled the Privacy Shield to be invalid. RWS is monitoring developments and in the meantime relies upon the EU Standard Contractual Clauses for the lawful framework enabling transfers of Personal Data from the EEA and EU to RWS Life Sciences Inc. and SDL Inc. and their affiliates. 
  • RWS and its subcontractors will maintain appropriate security procedures and practices to safeguard your Personal Data against unauthorized access and to maintain the confidentiality of your Personal Data in accordance with the applicable law.

RWS Holdings PLC is the Data Controller for Personal Data Collected.

The law which governs this Notice and all disputes arising under it is English law. The current law is the Data Protection Act 2018 but we have included provisions of the General Data Protection Regulation (Regulation (EU) 2016/679). All disputes of whatsoever nature including failure to perform and performance shall be determined by the courts of England. 

If any local laws apply and impose a higher duty or obligation upon RWS than that higher duty or obligation will apply to RWS.

RWS Holdings PLC is the Data Controller, where Personal Data is collected by an affiliate or subsidiary RWS Group company. If you have any questions, comments or concerns about the processing of your Personal Data please contact us as follows: 

FAO: Privacy Officer (Legal Department) 

Email at: 

RWS Holdings PLC is a company registered in England with registered number 03002645 of Europa House, Chiltern Park, Chiltern Hill, Chalfont St Peter, SL9 9FG, England, and includes all its affiliate and subsidiary companies and entities. 

To obtain further information on our processing of your Personal Data please visit where our Privacy Notice is published and a copy of this Notice is available.

Version 1.0 

Last updated: Jan 2022