Develop and publish accessible content in digital, PDF and print formats with our XML Professional Publisher. Built for the most demanding publishing environments, you can produce newsletters, books, magazines, loose-leaf manuals, catalogs and digital content in more than 40 languages in our intuitive XML editor.

Automate the composition and pagination of XML or other structured content to create high-quality output with a rapid turnaround.

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Key benefits

Trusted by digital content producers worldwide and across all industries.
Cog rotate arrows
Automate publishing of complex documents
Duplicate documents
Boost digital content production and throughput test 2022
Comply with regulatory accessibility standards
Screen cross
Eliminate manual desktop publishing tasks for digital content creators

XML Publishing

Find out more about our industry-leading automated XML publishing solution for structured content and digital content management.

Data sheet

Key features

Desktop xml question mark
Documents inside circle ring
Translation question mark
Cog fader mixer

Deployment, support and training services

Maximize the value of your XPP investment with our services, training and 24x7 support throughout your relationship with us. 

Get support for every step of your digital content strategy with help on operational deployment, iterative improvement and upgrades.

Learn more


"XPP enables Gilson to offer leading-edge, comprehensive composition services, with value that our competitors can’t match."
Jeff Palmitier, EVP at Gilson